High School Team Users Access to Middle School (Released Games)

How to View Released Games in System 

Allows you to see games entered in Zebraweb by assignors that have been released to officials and Athletic Offices. You will be able to see the officials assigned to the games.  

1.) Sign into Zebraweb using your credentials. https://www.zebraweb.org 

2.) Click Login 

3.) Select Association you would like to view games for, and then press go 

4.) Click on Zebraweb.org Sports Officials Assigning System 

5.) In the dropdown menu hover your mouse over Games and select Released Game Schedule 

6.) Choose the Dates, Sport, and Levels 

7.) Optional: If you just want your home games, select “Home Games Only” 

8.) Optional: If you select “with locations”, that will bring up games at your site, where your team is not 

playing. i.e., tournament game where you are the host 

9.) Press Submit 

10.) If you click on the game number, the game skin pops up which will list all the officials and their contact information. You can email them directly as well with links on the bottom of the page to do this. 

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