Auto Linking Games

Auto Linking Games Auto Linking Games lets you select many games and then the system automatically links them together based on date, time, and location. Linking games lets you assign one game and then place the officials assigned to it to the games it is linked with. There are parameters […]

Setting Games Up for Self Assign 

Setting Games Up for Self Assign Self Assign allows the assigner to select certain games to make Self Assignable where officials can go through and assign themselves. There are parameters that can be set such as how many games officials can assign themselves to within a time period and if […]

Editing Game Fees

Editing Game Fees Login to ZebraWeb Portal Click on in the top black navigation menu. Click on the game number you need to Edit the official’s fees for Under the Assigned Officials, click on the Manage All Fees Button A slide out will appear from the right where you can […]

Importing Games

Importing Games Login to ZebraWeb Portal Click on in the top black navigation menu Click on Add New Game at the top left and click on Import Games in that dropdown From there, you can click the Download Template button to get the file format needed to enter your games […]

Comprehensive Assigning

Comprehensive Assigning Comprehensive Assigning is a fast and efficient way to get officials assigned to games.  Comprehensive assigning shows only available officials and provides analytics such as mileage, how many times they have seen the home and visiting teams, how many games they Login to ZebraWeb Portal Click on in […]

Position Masks

Login to ZebraWeb Portal and go to your Assigning Module. Under the ASSETS Nav option in the main navigation menu, Click Position Masks From Position Mask Screen you can add masks for On field and off field (Game Help) positions.  By clicking Add New. You can Inline edit a position […]

Manage Users (Add, Edit, and Delete)

 Login to ZebraWeb Portal and go to your Assigning Module. Under the ASSETS Nav option in the main navigation menu, Click Users. On this page you are able t view all users (Team/School, Officials, Admin, etc.) that have been entered or uploaded to ZebraWeb.   User Table Position Level – Illustrates […]

Adding New Games

Adding new games can be done in a variety of ways that are flexible to your needs as an administrator of the system.  You can simply add a single game, multiple games cloned off a single instance, Add multiple team home games, or just import them using our flexible importing […]

Manage Leagues/Game Types

Login to ZebraWeb Portal Under Assets, Click Leagues View League info – View the general info of your leagues View League Fees- Toggle to view all the league fees associated to that league. Run League Report – Shows you League users based on the League you select.   Add New […]

Locations (Creating, Editing, Removing)

Manage Locations Login to ZebraWeb Portal  Under Assets, Click Locations    Locations Table –  Team Name- Name of your Teams  Game Type(s)  Venues – Hot Link to Venues associated to the Location.  Actions –  Edit and Delete   Add a Location  Login to ZebraWeb Portal  Under Assets, Click Locations    Click […]