Crews (Add, Edit, Delete)


  1. Login to ZebraWeb Assigning Module
  1. Under Assets click Crews
  1. Crews Table
    1. Crew # – Custom Name created by Assigner
    1. Name – Name Given to Crew Upon Creation
    1. Crew members – Click to View Individual Crew Members Profile
    1. Games Assigned – Click to View Assignments Related to that Crew
    1. Actions – Edit or Delete Crew


Adding A Crew:

  1. Login to ZebraWeb Assigning Module
  1. Under Assets, click Crews
  1. Click  in the top right corner of the page.
    1. Add the information that is most accurate to the crew and click “Save Changes” at the bottom.


Editing A Crew:

  1. Login to ZebraWeb Assigning Module
  1. Under Assets, click Crews
  1. Click the down arrow on Actions next to the crew you need to edit and click Edit.
  1. Edit the field you wish and click “Update Changes”

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