Enter Mileage

Enter Mileage

On the green navigation menu you can scroll over “Reports”.

Click on “View Officials Mileage” and then select “View Full List” to view what is currently in the system.

Note, this will list each official and the mileage to each team. It may take a few minutes to come up.

Click on Update officials Mileage and the system will bring up a select box so you can select the official you want.



When you select the official the system will bring up the update mileage page for that official.

The system will bring up a list of all the teams and allow you to enter one way mileage manually or you can click the calc link. The calc link takes the officials address and the Team address and goes out to Google to get the actual one way mileage.

Note; mileage left at -0- (zero) will be treated as -0- (zero).

Once the official enters all the mileage they can scroll to the bottom and click the update button.


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